Will Ivanka Trump's Brand Be Even Bigger Without Ivanka?
Status: Available Now!
Type: News
Date: Tuesday 7 March 2017, 12:00 AM
Media: Refinery29

About the person Ivanka Trump:
Art: Corporation, Television, Fashion, Modelling
Genres: Celebrity TV, Reality TV, Socialite, Creative Director, Designer, Commercial, Fit, Fashion, Instagram, Podium, Promotional, Runway, Construction, Entrepreneur, Executive, Management, Staff
Notable Organizations: Refinery29
On the 23rd floor of Trump Tower sits the office of Ivanka Trump, the first daughter’s eponymous lifestyle brand. The office is awash in the brand’s soft pink and neutral hues: white couches, rose pillows, scented candles. Framed photos of Ivanka adorn the walls: There’s one where's she's sitting at a desk with her son; in another she is alone looking contemplative and steely, her legs up on a conference table; then one that came from a magazine shoot, Ivanka on a ladder overlooking the city dressed up in red gown. But the president of this business is not a woman named Ivanka Trump; the president’s name is Abigail Klem. She looks like Ivanka Trump (with a splash of Melania, too). And she’s wearing Ivanka Trump: a black dress with white collar and cuffs; suede pumps that are the color of red wine. Klem took over the business from Ivanka in January just before President Trump was sworn in. The idea was that Ivanka Trump the person would separate herself from the business she founded to avoid potential conflicts. Klem was the natural choice to succeed her: She was the brand’s first hire back in 2013 and was its chief brand officer before she became president. She was the one who would be tasked with shepherding the brand once Ivanka was gone. “I really like Ivanka," says Klem, 47, in her first interview since she took over in January. “We are business associates. We're close in a way. But I want to do this with real integrity. So I feel like, while we're not banned from speaking personally, I think it's just easier if we talk as little as possible.”
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