Response To Neil Gorsuch
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Type: News
Date: Tuesday 31 January 2017, 12:00 AM
Media: Refinery29

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Response To Neil Gorsuch Is Split Down The Aisle. President Donald Trump announced his pick for the United States Supreme Court today via Facebook Live. While the method may have been progressive, his pick was decidedly not. Trump is hoping to fill the court's empty seat — which has been vacant since the death of Justice Antonin Scalia in 2016 — with Neil Gorsuch, a federal appeals court judge. Unsurprisingly, the reactions from politicians and advocacy groups seemed to be split down party lines. Many see Gorsuch as an extension of Scalia. SCOTUSBlog draws a slew of parallels and calls the resemblance "eerie." "He is an ardent textualist (like Scalia); he believes criminal laws should be clear and interpreted in favor of defendants even if that hurts government prosecutions (like Scalia); he is skeptical of efforts to purge religious expression from public spaces (like Scalia); he is highly dubious of legislative history (like Scalia); and he is less than enamored of the dormant commerce clause (like Scalia)." An official tweet from the White House praised Gorsuch's "commitment to interpreting the Constitution according to its text."
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