Evernote Attempts To Simplify Its IOS app
Status: Available Now!
Type: News
Date: Tuesday 17 January 2017, 10:36 AM
Media: Techcrunch

About the organization Evernote:
Type: Business
Sub-Types: Website, Computer Software, Application Software, Telecommunication Software
Notable Organizations: Evernote, Techcrunch
Did anyone really love the Evernote mobile app? No? Well, good news then: the company is giving it another crack today, introducing what it hopes will be a simpler, more efficient tool to help you record your ideas, as well as search through and organize your Evernote content. As a reminder, the earlier app was a bit busy. Spread across the top of the screen were posting shortcuts – that is, buttons you could push to start a text note, add photos, create a list, make an audio note, or set a reminder. Below that was a customizable home screen where you could add or remove sections like those for your Notes, Notebooks, Work Chat, Tags, Places, and other shortcuts. In the new version, which Evernote says was built from scratch, the entire layout and navigation has been redesigned. The app now features a more standard row of bottom navigation buttons which take you to sections like Notes, Search, Shortcuts, and your Account. A simple green plus (“+”) button is all you need to push to start your next note. And a long press on this button lets you start an audio, photo or reminder with another tap. Work Chat – Evernote’s attempt at making its notes platform a more social, collaborative experience – is getting a bit of a downgrade this time around, as it’s now tucked away in the Account section. Meanwhile, the app starts you right in your most recently updated notes, instead of the old homescreen. This makes it easier to continue where you last left off, the company explains. You can also more quickly move between your notebooks, thanks to the drop-down tab at the top of the screen.
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