Buy A Berghain Teddy Bear
Status: Available Now!
Type: News
Date: Tuesday 8 November 2016, 12:00 AM
Media: Mixmag

About the venue Berghain, Berlin, DE:
Type: Indoor
Sub-Types: Club, Nightclub
Notable Organizations: Mixmag
For quite some time, Berghain has been evolving into a meme of itself - a cultural icon in dance music that has captivated the intrigue of thousands and borderline internet obsession. After games were created simulating the club's doormen and the laughable process of approval to enter the venue this Swedish festival creating a mini Berghain just to deny people at the door, now someone has created an "official" Berghain gift shop. The "official", but seemingly unofficial souvenir shop, offers some truly classic pieces, like masks of famed doorman Sven Marquardt's face, snow globes depicting the classic stormy nights surrounding the club and sardonic phone cases exclaiming Berghain's 'no photos' policy. The best might be a banana signed by November's cover star Ben Klock, referencing to the Berghain resident DJ's New Year's Eve gift to an admiring fan and affinity for snacking on bananas during extended sets. Berghain's newest installment of consumer fixation arrives as an ironic statement, proving the clubs cultural significance but also grinding abrasively against the brand's core motifs. As an environment for exclusivity, purity and club elitism, creating mass produced memorabilia in the name of its spirit is as paradoxial as it is cheeky. The site is currently under construction, but will be available soon.
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