WeTransfer Offers Former SoundCloud Employees $10K To Stay Unemployed
Status: Available Now!
Type: News
Date: Friday 28 July 2017, 12:00 AM
Media: Mixmag

About the organization Soundcloud:
Type: Business
Sub-Types: Audio Hosting Agent, Website, Application Software, Internet, Telecommunication, Telecommunication Software, Hi-Fi, Hi-Fi Software
Notable Organizations: Soundcloud, Mixmag
WeTransfer has offered each of the 173 people laid off by SoundCloud $10,000 if they do not get another job. In an email sent to FACT, WeTransfer's Music Director Lukas Nieuwenhuijsensaid that he would give each ex-employee the "modest amount" if they directed their efforts towards music industry innovation rather than simply seeking another job. The email revealed that the file sharing company's president Damian Bradfield is sending emails to the employees who were let go from the company encouraging them to attempt to create something to rival the innovative nature of the ailing music-hosting service. Bradford writes on Medium that that he came up with the idea after attending the Tech Open Air Conference in Berlin a few weeks ago. Instead of watching "challengers" go off to other companies and abandon the forward-thinking ethos of SoundCloud, he would like to see them continue working on new music industry solutions. “What if each and every one of them had been offered ten thousand dollars to refrain from getting a job? To leave and start something. To leave and start working on the new future of music, whatever that might be,” he writes on a short piece uploaded to his Medium account on Wednesday entitled '173 ideas'.
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